HSE Assurance test 1

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HSE Assurance

QSafe provides Assurance Services, through its team of specialist and consultants, OH&S, Environment, Fire and Emergency, Food Safety, and Worker Welfare through inspections, audit, and assessments needed by any client, client appointed representatives, principal and sub-contractors.


Audit is one of the vital parts of assurance process that an organization should execute to determine the gaps and ensure the compliance to a certain requirement or criteria

Q Safe provides, through its team of specialists and consultants, OH&S, Environment, Fire and Emergency, Food Safety, Risk Management, and Worker Welfare Auditing Services to meet the precise need of our clients in different industries such as oil and gas, road/building construction, facilities management, operations and maintenance, education sector, retail, food and beverage, etc.

After a thorough evaluation, we will produce a comprehensive report which details the non-conformities and prioritized action plans stating appropriate recommendations on how to address the findings.


Qatar Labor Law requires the employer to determine and inform the workers on the type of hazards that the worker might be exposed to during performance of their work. The employer is also obliged to the provision of appropriate and sufficient precautionary measures for protecting the workers from any injury or disease. QSafe will support your organization to conduct workplace risk assessments to identify potential hazards and risks in your workplace and recommend the appropriate control measures.
An assessment of compliance of all fire arrangements in any type of occupancy ensuring compliance to QCD and relevant NFPA standards. Assessor (s) will evaluate possible gaps between an agreed criteria (QCD & NFPA requirements) and draft recommendation on how to address all audit findings.
An assessment of compliance to Qatar Labor Law, QCS, Ministerial Decisions, MOPH requirements that pertains to Occupational Health & Hygiene and best international practices. QSafe, with its Certified Industrial Hygienist, provides Occupational Health and Hygiene services that is aimed at complying to related laws, international standards, and more importantly ensuring workers health.

Examples of activities include:

Workplace HSE Inspection

We can assist your organization to conduct workplace thorough inspections to identify potential hazards associated with your work activities.
A detailed report will be provided following the activity.